Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lazy Sundays

I love sundays. I love love lovvve that I now have sundays and mondays off ! Today was a pretty lazy day.. Me and Matt made breakfast together this morning (one of my favorite things about sundays). Then we just played video games all day, well Matt did. I sat beside him most of the day and painted. I started one of my bigger canvasas that I've just been staring at for the last few weeks. It rained all day so I didn't feel so guilty not getting out to do much of anything.  I love sitting inside with the fire place on in a blanket all day when its rainy and stormy.

Tonight we went and had some dinner and drinks at a pub we always go too. And I had cheesecake nommm I love cheesecake. Can't resist cheesecake.

Now we are just sitting around, the day has gone by way to fast and Matt went to get me some mikes hard lemonade cuz I've been craving some heh.

Tomorrow I'll actually get some stuff done... Hopefully. I have lots of laundry to catch up on, probably paint some more.. thrifting maybe.. And for sure need to go get some new makeup since I've been scraping by for the past few days.

Well goodnight all I'm gonna get comfy again and drink some mikes!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So I got my tattoo FINALLY yesterday. Its been a long time comming! I was in the chair for 4 hours, after abuot 2 and a half I didnt think I could take it anymore, but i stuck it out and I'm so glad I did!

This tattoo means a lot to me. For one I have collected owls since I was about 8 years old and think they are the neatest birds. I love all bird but owls are defiantly at the top of my list. My grandma used to collect owl, she loved them. I was 6 when my grandma passed away from cancer. When she passed away my aunt got her collection of owls which she then gave to me because I was always an animal/bird lover. Ever since then every time I've gone to a garage sale, thrift store or anywhere and saw an owl I needed it. I kind of forgot about my collection for a while but my love of owls never died!

So this tattoo is completely dedicated to my grandma who was an amazing woman and we all miss her dearly. Also for all the little owlies out there that I love so much. :)

The tattoo itself was also to prove to myself I could do it all at once and that pain is only temporary and the payoff is always worth it.

So here it is! these pictures of pretty crappy and its pretty swollen right but I'll take some more later

Sunday, March 21, 2010



I just thought I'd make a little post and share some things from the past week.

I've been working tons, and going to classes on my days off. March is a slow month for clients, but a very busy month for classes (they try and keep us busy) we went to a class today in Victory ( its about two hours from where we live ) I had to get up at the ungodly hour of 6am, I am definatly not a morning person. The class was informative but the best part was noodle box!! Noodle box is an amazing thai food take out place with cute little chinese takeout boxes and the most amazing food. It made the whole day worth it. The free samiches we got while at the class were'nt to bad either heh.

I worked most of the week but took Tuesday off because I wasn't feeling so great. I was actually pretty sick for a few days it was not fun at all. But I drank lots of  tea took, took tons of vit C and ate lots of noodles with cayenne. I did get some thrifting in somewhere in there. I found an adorable owl napkin holder (that will probably never hold napkins) and an awesome skirt that I belted into being a cute little dress.

Tomorrow .. I get my tattoo! I am getting nervous, but also EXTREMELY excited!! wish me luck, I'm hoping to be able to finish it in one sitting!!

So I'll leave you with a couple pictures from the past week

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

This week

I had a super exciting package waiting for my when i got from work today! online shopping makes buying things so much more exciting <3

One of the things I got was this

So in love with it

I also found a lovely matryoshka the other day for 2 bucks at the thrift store. love her too.

And I colored my hair again the other day. I put some more green in it and a few purple chunks this time as well. They are super pretty colors but the pictures I have don't do them much justice. There is a picture on my flickr right now. I'll try and take some better pictures later probably.