Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ready for sun

Its been so gloomy and rainy this spring and its ruining all my plans! its hard to even remember what summer is like anymore.. so I just look for pictures to remind me.

So here's to warm nights, sunsets, swimming in the lake at midnight, sand between the toes, floppy hats, picnics, flip flops, laying in the grass, evening dog walks, movies in the park, road trips, camping, bon fires on the beach, backyard bbq's, drinks at dusk on the patio, warm pavement after dark, boating at the lake and cliff jumping, bike rides, hanging out at the lake from morning till dark, sitting under shady trees and the million other things I love about summer. Hope to see you soon summer.

{images found on}

Friday, May 21, 2010

working working working.. driving

This week has been super busy! Lots of people wanting to get highlights and stuff for summer which is awesome. I also started my makeover this week. I am competing in a makeover competition through redkin and chatters. Ive taken on a pretty big challenge with my model and what I'm doing, I'm not gonna say what I'm doing but I'll post pictures when I'm all finished. I'm really excited for the final outcome!

I took portraits for everyone at my work today so we can do bios for our facebook group, I'm excited to get that up and running too! We've had a facebook group for a while but haven't really paid much attention to it, so this will be great.

And I got my new car!!!!! It's amazing, I\m so in love... I still don't really feel like its mine! I'm so careful driving now haha. Here are some pictures I took the day before I bought it.

The hatchback is so awesome! Koda fits so perfectly in the back, he loves it back there too he doesnt even try to jump over the seat!

Its a long weekend so me and Matt get two days off together instead of just one! We are maybe gonna take a mini road trip (I hope). I really just want to go everywhere now that I have a reliable car.

We went on a walk the other day to a place around the lake we had never been. Its really pretty, but lots and lots of bugs. We took some pictures, sat on some rocks and explored a bunch. I've been kinda teaching Matthew how to use my camera and he's taken some awesome pictures. I love that we share intrests.

Matt took this and I edited it. I love it! I already printed out a bunch of the pictures from this  day to put in a frame that I've been wanting to fill forever. Theres more on my flickr.

Well thats all for now. one more day till the weekend woohoo!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Busy Week

Hello again lovelies! Hope everyone has had a fantastic week, mine has been pretty awesome :)

Work has been super busy this week leading up to prom which was saturday. I love doing up-do's so I was in my glory curling and pinning all morning saturday and everyone left looking amazing. The energy in the shop was full of fun an excitement, so awesome! But also a very tiring day by the end of it, also because it was the end of my work week.
The rest of the week was great too other than a horrible migraine I got on Thursday, that was no fun at all.

Speaking of work, next week I am taking my camera to work to do portraits of everyone who works at the shop. We are going to write bios for our facebook group. I am excited, I love doing portraits and its gonna be great to get to take some pictures of people who aren't me! woohoo! There are 12 girls at my work, its gonna be great :D

And the most exciting part of my week was today. Me and my dad went down to take a look at cars and I found one!!! I am getting all the details sorted out tomorrow (the car dealer guy wasn't even suppose to be there today but lucky for us he was) and hopefully I'll have my beautiful new car within the next few days! Not looking forward to being broke for the next few years but oh well, it will be worth it!

Here's a few other things from the week

some new owl friends

in loooove with this ring 

lilacs blooming in my yard! god they are the most amazing smell in the world. lilacs remind me of my grandma and of the house I grew up in. I love them

My beautiful puppy dog.... playing with the leg of a chair... oh yes who needs dog toys when you have old furniture! ...

Well I'm going to enjoy the remainder of my Sunday and keep being excited for my new car. Maybe I'll update with some pictures when I get it !

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy mothers day

I just wanted to say thank you mom. Thank you so much for making me who I am today, for always nurturing who I am, never trying to change me or make me anything I wasn't. Thank you for always supporting me, and for letting me make my own mistakes. Thank you for always being my shoulder to cry on when i made those mistakes, and for always knowing the right thing to say to make me feel better. Thank you for always thinking so carefully of what was best for us, and giving us your all even if it meant you losing out. Thank you for being such a selfless amazing mother, always putting us first no matter what.  Thank you for being so strong and driven, you having inspired me so much in all you've done through your life. Thank you for giving me the most amazing childhood, for being such an immediate part of my life growing up. Thank you for being my teacher and mother for so many years.

I could never even begin to repay you for all the things you have given me in my life. I am so happy that so many of my best memories include you. You are the most amazing, strong, beautiful woman I know.
You will always be my best friend and hugest inspiration, I love you so much.
Happy Mothers Day!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tomatoe's and Basil

So I got some really awesome grape and cherry tomatoes at the market yesterday and couldn't wait to make yummy things with them. So today for lunch I made myself a caprese salad, and dinner was tomato basil soup, so awesome.

Here's hows they're both done

mini caprese salad

this ones super easy and so fresh and tastey

all you need is grape or cherry tomatoes halved, bocconcini (mini balls of buffalo mozzarella), fresh basil, olive oil, salt and pepper.
I just cut up the bocconcini and tomatoes so they are roughly the same sizes and then rip or chop basil into the same size as the cheese and tomatoes. put them all together and drizzle with olive oil (make sure its a good quality olive oil) salt and pepper and that's it!

Tomato Basil Soup

For this one you'll need cherry and grape tomatoes (you could use just one or the other), one can of diced tomatoes, one small can tomato paste, butter, crushed garlic, sugar, 2 bay leaves, dried basil, dried tarragon, sour cream( I use light), and fresh basil.
First melt butter in a large sauce pan or pot, add crushed garlic and let simmer for a few minutes. add tomato paste and simmer for a few more minutes. Cut cherry tomatoes and add. Add the grape tomatoes and diced tomatoes. Add a good sized pinch of tarragon and basil (dried) and bay leaves, salt and pepper. Simmer all together on medium heat until the tomatoes have broken down a fair amount. Remove bay leave and add about a cup of sour cream and about 3-4 tbsp sugar. Mix all together and then blend either in a food processor, blender or like I did use a hand blender. Add a good handful of chopped fresh basil just a few minutes before your going to serve. Then you can garnish with a bit of sour cream and a few fresh basil leaves if you like.

Its so good, Matt and my brother both downed a great big bowl.

We ate it along side panko dill crusted tilapia, brussle sprouts with lemon and dill and fried mushrooms and zucchini. It was an awesome dinner.

Oh how I love you tomatoes. I cant wait until I can grab lots of fresh tomatoes from my garden whenever I want.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Girls Nights

Its been a great week! Last night I got to have an awesome girls night with the girls from work. We started out at our manager Tanya's house with drinks, pizza and an extreme amount of laughing and great stories. Then we headed out and did some dancing. All in all an awesome night.  I used to go out dancing almost every weekend .. I cant even understand how I ever did this! Its so much fun but I'm so tired today! Oh to be young again.. haha I kid I'm not THAT old. A great thing about it was also that I ran into one of the best friends while we were out. We never see each other anymore mostly just because shes in university full time to become a nurse and I work full time. So it was really great to run into each other and get to hang out for a little while I realized how much I really miss her! So we will hopefully hang out soon once shes on summer break.

I also whipped up an awesome salad this week that I wanted to share. I ate this for lunch almost every day this week at work, its delicious and super easy.

Here's what it is. Two cans of chick peas, half a chopped red onion (you can let this soak in water for a little bit to get rid of some of the strong onion taste), half a yellow pepper ( or any pepper you like), a good sized handfull of chopped up fresh dill and goat feta. Mix it all together, then squeeze half a lemon over the whole thing and a drizzle or two of olive oil. I cant wait to make this in the summer and take it camping too, its so fresh and yummy.

Well so far today has been a rainy uneventful day other than going for a yummy breakfast with Matt and a little bit of car shopping. But I'm making some dinner than then probably some grocery shopping.
hopefully I'll be on my way to a new car tomorrow, I'm pretty excited :D.