Friday, May 21, 2010

working working working.. driving

This week has been super busy! Lots of people wanting to get highlights and stuff for summer which is awesome. I also started my makeover this week. I am competing in a makeover competition through redkin and chatters. Ive taken on a pretty big challenge with my model and what I'm doing, I'm not gonna say what I'm doing but I'll post pictures when I'm all finished. I'm really excited for the final outcome!

I took portraits for everyone at my work today so we can do bios for our facebook group, I'm excited to get that up and running too! We've had a facebook group for a while but haven't really paid much attention to it, so this will be great.

And I got my new car!!!!! It's amazing, I\m so in love... I still don't really feel like its mine! I'm so careful driving now haha. Here are some pictures I took the day before I bought it.

The hatchback is so awesome! Koda fits so perfectly in the back, he loves it back there too he doesnt even try to jump over the seat!

Its a long weekend so me and Matt get two days off together instead of just one! We are maybe gonna take a mini road trip (I hope). I really just want to go everywhere now that I have a reliable car.

We went on a walk the other day to a place around the lake we had never been. Its really pretty, but lots and lots of bugs. We took some pictures, sat on some rocks and explored a bunch. I've been kinda teaching Matthew how to use my camera and he's taken some awesome pictures. I love that we share intrests.

Matt took this and I edited it. I love it! I already printed out a bunch of the pictures from this  day to put in a frame that I've been wanting to fill forever. Theres more on my flickr.

Well thats all for now. one more day till the weekend woohoo!

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