Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy mothers day

I just wanted to say thank you mom. Thank you so much for making me who I am today, for always nurturing who I am, never trying to change me or make me anything I wasn't. Thank you for always supporting me, and for letting me make my own mistakes. Thank you for always being my shoulder to cry on when i made those mistakes, and for always knowing the right thing to say to make me feel better. Thank you for always thinking so carefully of what was best for us, and giving us your all even if it meant you losing out. Thank you for being such a selfless amazing mother, always putting us first no matter what.  Thank you for being so strong and driven, you having inspired me so much in all you've done through your life. Thank you for giving me the most amazing childhood, for being such an immediate part of my life growing up. Thank you for being my teacher and mother for so many years.

I could never even begin to repay you for all the things you have given me in my life. I am so happy that so many of my best memories include you. You are the most amazing, strong, beautiful woman I know.
You will always be my best friend and hugest inspiration, I love you so much.
Happy Mothers Day!

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