Monday, March 14, 2011

Another Week Closer To Spring

Another quick update in iphone photo form just to keep me going.

1. my morning face and new extensions. 2. my boys cuddling on the couch <3 3. visiting with my moms bearded dragons. 4.chocolate chip ice cream in bed watched a lot of heroes on netflix that night 5. crazy hair days. 6.delicious gin and tonics with lots of lime. happy to be in a dress on a sunny Sunday. 8.eating lots of strawberries we went through 4 big boxes this week mm. 9.more morning faces hanging out on the ouch at 6am.

I'm really really ready for spring. I feel a gardening ich and I need to be outside. I get such cabin fever if I'm stuck inside for too long. I need air and nature and grass and all the wonderful things that make spring. Maybe it will motivate me to blog a bit more since I've given up on it these past few weeks!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Time to Think

i've been stressing out about the fact that I've neglected this blog so much.. and then I thought to myself why? This is a place for my to share my daily life and post pictures I enjoy. Its for fun, it shouldnt be stressful haha! So I am very sorry that I havent been reading and commenting on all your lovely blogs as much but I think I have just needed a little bit of an internet break. I've been focusing on other things like family and friends and sitting in bed watching heros haha.

But I promise I will be back soon and hopefully a little more consistant! you can follow me on twitter if  you like! I post pictures and updates throughout the week there most of the time :)!/ravagedskies

Before I go though heres a few things from my phone that make me happy :D

Getting back to knitting

Naps with the puppy

The most beautiful baby girl ever my bff's new baby Teegan

I also love that I've barely worn makeup in weeks. its a nice break for my face

I hope you are all wonderful out there! be back soon!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Terrible Blogger

So I apologize for being the worst blogger ever these past few weeks! I have just been so preoccupied with my life rocking lately haha! But really life has just been amazing this past week. I cant even explain why its just been a endless combination of wonderful amazing friends and being so incredibly in love with my boyfriend<3.

Every day of the weekend was filled with greatness! Friday I went out with two of my best friends Melissa and Ruth that I don't get to spend enough time with. I hadn't seen them in months so it was really great. We had drinks at Melissa's boyfriend Scotts house with some of his friends before we headed out to the bar. Melissa went home kinda early but me and Ruth danced till about 2am its definitely been a while since I've been out so I was pretty tired the next day but lots of fun!

Saturday morning me and Matt went into town around lunch (when I woke up haha) and had lunch with my Dad, Colton my brother and his girlfriend Brittany. We were probably the loudest table in the place laughed and joking and yeah my boyfriend and brother are just always incredibly loud. My brother accidentally spilled an entire glass of orange juice on me.... I was not pleased and soaked but I was laughing about it too after a few minutes because well... it was pretty funny haha. We went back to my Dads house after where Colton and Brit live too. I hung out with Brittany while the boys played video games for a few hours. At about 1 Matt dropped me off at Cam and Shannon's to hang out with them and the boys for the rest of the day . The most amazing thing happened Aiden said my name!! So both of the twins only say mama/mum, dad/daddy, kitty and doggy so it was pretty exciting for me. He said twice first it sounded like amara then tarara haha then later he came up to me and I said "say auntie Tamara!" and he said it! it was still more r's then should probably be in there but you could tell what he was saying haha! It was one of the greatest moments ever!
The rest of the night after the boys went to bed we had a few beers watched Saturday night live and played crib and laughed lots as usual.

Sunday my brother came over and spend the whole day with me and Matt. I woke up that day to a flooded bathroom :( but Matt had it under control and cleaned up pretty quickly and its all fixed now! We went to the mall for a little bit. I got some adorable new boots and a few other things. Then we went to a skate shop for my brother to get new shoes. Matt got me a beautiful new wallet for an early vday present too! And I got him a shirt.
My brother stayed for spaghetti Sunday and Matt's friends and old roommates Mike and Mandy showed up and hung out with us for a little while too! We all watched river monsters (my new favorite show!!) and ate pasta it was a good night :)

Yesterday Vday Matt had the whole day off work! It was awesome :D We went on a little date during the day to chapters. Chapters is one of my favorite places coffee and books you just cant go wrong. We got coffee and shared a delicious cookie and then browsed books for a while. I got two new books one of which that I'm really excited to start reading. After that we went back to the mall for a bit. I got some really cute stuff on sale which I'm always excited about! We went to walmart too and got a few things for the house some new towels, a bath mat and a few other things.
We stopped at the grocery store on the way home and picked up a few things for dinner and a bottle of wine.
We got home around 3 so we had a few hours before we made dinner so I told Matt to play some video games, put on some Bob Marley and I went on a crazy organizing spree haha. I don't think we ended up starting dinner until close to 7 because I went so crazy. Do you ever just get that insane urge to need to organize everything you've been putting off. Its such a great feeling when its all done though. My house all of the sudden feels so much less cluttered and I didn't even get rid of much just found better places for everything!
After I was done Matt made a fire and set up the table with candles <3 I whipped us up a super yummy huge dinner (I'd so rather stay in on valentines day.. its crazy how busy it is in restaurants...
We had tempura cod with a white sauce with crab, asparagus, zucchini and mushrooms and roasted potatoes it was super tasty mmm. Then we cuddled up on the couch drank wine and watched tv on netflix. It was a perfect valentines day.
Actually it was really a perfect weekend <3

Heres a few pictures from my phone this weekend

{1} Heat Stroke By Anothony D. Baronsky and Her Fearful Symmetry By Audry Niffenegger. {2} valentines shopping. {3}new keychains. {4}getting ready to go shopping. {5}new wallet. {6}orangizing. {7}happy valentines day doodles. {8}new owlie from Matts moma. {9}breakfast. {10}eating carrots watching river monster. {11}Melissa, me and Ruth. {12}new bathroom rug <3 the color.

I have some pictures on my camera from dinner last night but those will have to wait for another day.
Well I'm going to go light myself a fire because its freezing! And then curl up on the couch with Koda and do some reading. Hope to be back sooner than later. Hope you all are well!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Window Sills

This little window sill is probably my favorite part of my whole house. Something about the way the sun comes in there and the arbutus trees outside the window. i find myself always having pictures of this window on my camera haha! I try to keep it clear as possible but somehow more and more of my favorite little things end up there. But it just makes me love it ever more.


I really hope these sunny day stick around. I've had enough cold and rain. I just keep buying more and more plants to distract from the fact that its still freezing in my house in the mornings when the fires not going. And to distract from the fact that every time i check the weather on my phone its calling for snow on thursday... !

Friday, February 4, 2011

Lovely Day

I've been having a great day!
I have to say starting my morning off with yoga just always leads to feeling great for the rest of the day! Sun beaming in through the windows, Ben Harper playing its perfect. It makes the rest of the things I have to do like cleaning the house and doing laundry much much easier and more enjoyable. I really want to start going to hot yoga but most days lately I haven't had a car because Matt has been working lots and we're sharing my care right now. But hopefully he will be getting a new truck within the next few weeks and I will have my car back! yay for not being trapped at home all day :D.

Yesterday I got an Iphone 4! I am in love already. I am not sure how I lived without it thus far actually! So I spent a lot of the day today playing around with it and getting apps. And I ordered this cover off eBay heh! love it! I ordered a plain white soft cover too so I can change it up.
And I got the instagram app which I am totally loving and really addicted to!
Heres a few pics I took today. Matthew playing some guitar and yummy noodles.

I've also been playing a lot of fruit ninja! best game ever! If you have an iphone and dont have this game you really should cuz its wonderful :D

Agenda for the weekend includes hanging out with Shannon tonight. My brother girlfriends birthday party on Saturday where I'm not sure if I'll make it for too long haha. I cant keep up with those newly 20 year olds they're crazy haha! And probably just relaxing with Matt on Sunday as usual maybe going to do some shopping. Next week I'm getting my car serviced and having lunch with my friend ruth who I haven't seen in forever! Super excited about that. I'm really excited about getting my car serviced too actually haha! They always clean it up real nice and make it run like new again. Yeah its only a year old not even but I so notice the differnce after it gets serviced it gets its zoom zoom back! (yeah its a Mazda haha)

Hope everyone has an absolutely wonderful weekend!

Monday, January 31, 2011

A little of this

I have been trying my best to keep occupied while unemployed with doing copious amounts of shopping. I do ok. Sew a bit here, knit a bit there cook a lot and spend as much time with my bestie and the baby boys as possible. I haveto say the last part is probably what keeps me sane. My best friend has twin boys and I spend the majority of days there hanging out and playing with the babies. The thing is that the boy are going to be 1 on tuesday! I cant believe my little men are already 1! They are almost walking now (Mason took 3 steps the other day way to go buddy!). They say mama daddy kitty and doggy and almost auntie Tamara hehe I've been trying pretty hard for that one it mostly just sounds like rara or they look at  me and say MA and then laugh haha but they're trying! But the thing about them turning one is Shannon's mat leave ends and I'm left all alone! So I am going to be working a lot harder in the next few weeks to try and keep myself occupied. Plus I think I'm gonna be going through some serious baby withdrawls. I joke with her and say I'm gonna be waiting outside her door or on her couch every day when she gets home from work haha.

Luckily one of my other best friend Ashley is going to have a baby girl in a few weeks so I can get in some baby time there. I'm excited to spend more time with her too since we haven't seen each other as much as I would like to the last few months. We used to work together and see each other every day so I have defiantly been missing her.

And we did however just get Netflix the other day! We have never have cable since we lived here so I feel spoiled now getting to watch new stuff! I've been watching nature shows and documentarys all weekend curled up on the couch with tea and the dog its great. Matt bought a new 42 inch flat screen tv the other day too I've never had a nice tv so I've been much more glued to the tv than I would usually be... hopefully it doesnt become to big of a habit because I have a feeling I could end up exceeding my bandwidth limit for the month!

Anyways here are a few pictures from around my house this week!
Baby clothes for Ashley's little girl! I lovelovelovee the sailboat onsies! I almost bought some to keep for myself but I resisted. I did however tell her if i ever have a daughter she better hand these down haha.

Cute little notebooks!

New hair color! sorry for the crappy picture the light in my bathroom is horrible! I love this color but I just ordered extensions and they're a pretty dark brown so I think I'll be changing it up again soon to match them rather than color them to match this.

New basil growing in my window! I've missed having fresh herd so much I need to get some more!
And last but not least my adorable pup watching us make dinner

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Keeping up with Goals: Week 2

I have done pretty well eating wise this week although exercising has been a little lacking! I have still been doing yoga in my kitchen almost every morning though so I guess I shouldn't beat myself up about it to much. Next week I'm hoping to get in a whole lot more hikes and walks with the puppy and as of today I have a fridge stocked full of lots of yummy produce so eating good will be easy. I have to admit though buying locally once again has been a bit too diffucult this week so the grocery store it was. I really hate going to the grocery store near our house they dont have as much organic stuff and every is just so much more sad looking. I usually go to the grocery store in town if I'm going to because its much bigger so everything is always yummy and bright and fresh not to mention better prices and lots of organic and even some local produce!
Here of a few things that were on the menu this week.

 Kale sauteed with garlic sesame seeds and EVOO

Oven roasted banana squash with a little butter and pepper. low fat turkey, cheese and lettuce sammy.

Local tiger shrimp in garlic butter and brown rice casserole. The rice casserole  recipe here.
Really easy and good I ate it topped with greek yogurt.

And here is some pictures from tonight's spaghetti Sunday. Me and Matt make pasta together every Sunday night. Its fun and yummy :)

Grape tomatoes roasted in EVOO, salt, pepper and thyme.

Matt chopping up mushrooms for his pasta.

My pasta tonight was a very green one! kale, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, onion, garlic, mushrooms, evoo and feta cheese. I didn't take a picture of Matt's pasta but it was the same except with tomato sauce. Topped with my roasted tomatoes

I've also been drinking as much tea as possible. I'm a coffeeaholic but I have tried to sub out my coffee with tea whenever possible. I love stash teas with macha. This pomegranate and raspberry is one of my favorites for sure. I am drinking a cup of orange ginger with macha right now and its also super tasty!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I'm off for a day trip with my 9 month prego friend Ashley to pick up a baby dresser should be tons of fun! Shes one of my besties and I havent seen her as much as I'd like to as of lately so I'm super excited :D

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Keeping up with Goals: Week 1

I have been doing my very best at eating as healthy as I can every day. I have been a bit uninspired the last few weeks thought because most of the local farms around dont have much in the way of produce. So we made a trip to the grocey store in town to load up on fruit and veggies and I have done a lot better this week staying on track. We ate at home most meals this week although we actually went for dinner and lunch a lot more than we usually do. Matt didnt work all week so I guess that is why, too much time on our hands! Plus I had nachos twice this week.. wow haha oh well. I just cant resist a big plate of nachos and guacamole... mmm.

But here is one of the better days I had this week

 yogurt and apples for breakfast

 Lunch whole wheat totilla pizza!
cheese, mushrooms, feta, red onion and green pepper. soo yummy

 baked tomatoes with mozza, feta and thyme for a snack. These are so good!
 Me and Matt made our own pasta sauces. Mine was onion, garlic, broccoli, mushrooms, kale, thyme and evoo. Matts on the right had everything mine had but with beef and crushed tomatoes.
We said we are gonna have pasta on sunday nights now and we will always make it together either like this and make our own sauces (matt likes meat and I don't very often) or we will make a sauce together! We ate these one with catelli smart linguine it was awesome. Kale is probably my favorite thing in the world its so amazing.
I made some wholewheat oat and blackberry muffins last week. They were okay but I wasnt overly happy with the way they came out. I'll have to try a differnt recipe next time. I have so many frozen blackberries that Matt's aunt picked and gave to us in the summer.

I have been making it a goal to do yoga everyday at home for at leased 10-20 minutes. I've stuck to it for the most part although its been freezing cold the last few days and We've been slacking in the fire making department. So whenever I've been home the past few days I've been sitting on my laptop in bed haha! Thats where I am right now in fact... But I will get back into the routine tomorrow. I feel so much more energized with even 10 minutes of yoga a day. One of my oringinal goals was to go for a walk every day. But again its been so cold that I really haven't wanted to be outside for very long. So I figured as long as I'm doing yoga and dancing around the house every day I will be satisfied until it warms up again.

I've also decided to try and write a post a week about keeping up with the goals I listed here at the beginning of January!

Well I am gonna stay cozy in my bed for another hour or so and then head to friends to watch the hockey game ! 

Happy weekend all!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Around My House

A few things from around my house this week

My new favorite lamp thrifted for 5 bucks ! It was so perfect I've been looking for a lamp for my side table in my room and this was exactly what I had pictured in my house. Its so cute! I got that little green planter the same day for a buck. I'm going to plant some herbs in there but for now it holds my hand lotion perfectly!

 My begonia has new buds and a new spot in the window 
(please ignore my very dirty window)

This owl I got for my birthday has a new home in the window too

 Matts momma got these guys for me from a garage sale

Some Beautiful flowers Matthew got me :)

I'll be back later with a little post about trying to keep on track with eating healthy. Hope your all having a wonderful week !

Friday, January 14, 2011

Grey Weather

Today the sun was out for hours it was a beautiful day! but tonight the wind is pounding pine cones against my house... I don't think I've ever seen our trees bend so far and close to the house. I have to say its a little scary but were warm and cosey inside our house with a nice big fire and blankets and the dog!
And that is pretty much my plan for the weekend if this weather keeps up!  Of course I do have to brave the weather and take a trip to friends tonight for some guilty tv and beers :)
I'm so dreaming of warm summer nights right now. Is spring almost here? Please come a little quicker spring I've had enough snow and slush and cold rain. I want my spring morning back!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

This Weekend I

 This weekend I.... Went for walks at the river. Hung out with My second family a lot. Got snowed in and spent two nights at Cam and Shannon's actually! I went for a hike with lots of dogs and friends. Played in the snow with my boy and pup! Played with the babies lots <3 and made a tasty hash brown casserole with my mom! It was a great weekend! And so far this week has been pretty good too. Still on the job hunt though and I have to say I'm starting to get a little desperate NO one is hiring right now its very frustrating.