Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goals for 2011

I never have been one to really make new years resolutions but I do write down my goals every year at some point. About two months ago (around the time I lost my job) me and Matt both wrote down 10 goals to accomplish over the next year and I have to say that I haven't really put them into effect yet or thought to much about them because I've had a lot of other stuff on my mind. So since it is the start of a new year I figured I'd write them here to give myself a little more motivation. I try and be as specific as I can when wrighting goals so I wouldnt say "loose weight" I'd make a goal of eating healthy and at home 5 days a week and exercising four times a week (which is always a goal haha). So here is my 10 goals for the next year.. and instead of saying what i usually would, which is "I hope i can keep to all these but if i don't that's ok!" I am gonna say I AM going to feel accomplished at the end of next year because I AM going to keep to all of these.

10 Goals for 2011

1. Eat at home 4 - 5 days a week
My biggest downfall in trying to stay healthy is that I eat out way too often. I am the kind of person who usually waits too long to eat and by the time I finally eat I'm ravenous and want whatever is worst for me. We used to eat at restaurants probably 5 nights a week when i was still working... it gets pretty pricey and I don't always make the best choices so eating at home is just better all around for me.

2. Go on a walk or run every day
Even if its just a walk around the block me and Koda both need it!

3. Make something or take a picture every day
If I don't do anything creative for a few days I usually just end up losing my motivation all together so this is important to me.

4. Buy all our produce locally
This gets a little harder in the winter months but its not at all impossible. We buy most of our produce locally now but out of convenience we still get some from the grocery store now and then. Plus they're are just some things that I need that you cant get locally all year round but ideally I will just eat what is in season as much as possible. And I still buy organic when I'm at the grocery store. We have also started to try and buy as much of our eggs and meat locally as well (I don't like to eat  eat meat unless its organic and free range)

5. Go somewhere new once a month with Matt
This goal is both of ours. I am excited the most about this one I think! I've lived here my whole life and there is so many awesome places close to home that I haven't been yet!

6. Get a job I love
I am hoping to accomplish this as soon as possible

7. Have a successful flower and veggie garden
I am so excited to have an awesome garden this year in our new house. Matt is going to build me a great big veggie garden and I'm gonna grow my little heart out <3 I want to grow as much of my own food this year as possible

8. Go on a road trip 
Originally we wanted to try and go on a holiday somewhere nice and warm this year but I would rather focus on saving as much money as possible for this year. But we are both excited to take a nice size road trip, nothing to far. We are probably going to camp along the way. We either want to go to Alberta or Oregon depending on if Matt gets his passport or not (I've been bugging him about it for probably a year).

9. Do something nice for Matt once a week
Sometimes I find myself taking my wonderful boyfriend and all he does for us for granted. So I want to concentrate on doing something thoughtful and special for him at leased once a week.

10. Build myself a book shelf and repaint our entertainment stand
My Dad is a carpenter and can build anything. I figure I should at leased learn how to use tools a little bit... I only took wood shop in grade 8 and I think I only went about 4 times all year haha...


  1. Happy New Year!
    I hope you achieve all of these goals :)
    Best of luck to in you 2011!

  2. Thank you so much :) Happy new year to you as well!

  3. tamara, i just adore this! especially the part about how specific you are...i'm so with you there. i can tend to annoy some friends when attempting to convey the simplest of messages but needing to get all the facts in without missing a beat.

    love all your goals and really am keen about #3. i wish you much success and happiness on this new year. thanks for your comment, i'd be stoked to see some of your driftwood creations, glad you liked that post. ♥

  4. Great resolutions and all very practical, i bet you can do them all with ease :) I hope its a beautiful year :)
