Friday, February 4, 2011

Lovely Day

I've been having a great day!
I have to say starting my morning off with yoga just always leads to feeling great for the rest of the day! Sun beaming in through the windows, Ben Harper playing its perfect. It makes the rest of the things I have to do like cleaning the house and doing laundry much much easier and more enjoyable. I really want to start going to hot yoga but most days lately I haven't had a car because Matt has been working lots and we're sharing my care right now. But hopefully he will be getting a new truck within the next few weeks and I will have my car back! yay for not being trapped at home all day :D.

Yesterday I got an Iphone 4! I am in love already. I am not sure how I lived without it thus far actually! So I spent a lot of the day today playing around with it and getting apps. And I ordered this cover off eBay heh! love it! I ordered a plain white soft cover too so I can change it up.
And I got the instagram app which I am totally loving and really addicted to!
Heres a few pics I took today. Matthew playing some guitar and yummy noodles.

I've also been playing a lot of fruit ninja! best game ever! If you have an iphone and dont have this game you really should cuz its wonderful :D

Agenda for the weekend includes hanging out with Shannon tonight. My brother girlfriends birthday party on Saturday where I'm not sure if I'll make it for too long haha. I cant keep up with those newly 20 year olds they're crazy haha! And probably just relaxing with Matt on Sunday as usual maybe going to do some shopping. Next week I'm getting my car serviced and having lunch with my friend ruth who I haven't seen in forever! Super excited about that. I'm really excited about getting my car serviced too actually haha! They always clean it up real nice and make it run like new again. Yeah its only a year old not even but I so notice the differnce after it gets serviced it gets its zoom zoom back! (yeah its a Mazda haha)

Hope everyone has an absolutely wonderful weekend!


  1. wow. so excited for the iphone. i'm looking to owning one this year too. wish me luck
    and beautiful pics as always, love

  2. awe, so happy to hear the day was great and hope it continues through the whole weekend lades! i love me some yoga too, especially candle lit yoga. it's really relaxing.

    iPhone is completely addictive, the boyf plays with his under the sheets at night thinking i don't notice, boys are so sneaky. have fun at it girl, apps are just rad. enjoy the party tonight, take pics!!! ♥

  3. Thanks Lynn ! yes candle lit yoga sounds wonderful! thats next!
    And I am already attached to this iphone.. I had a blackberry before and i thought I was addicted to that but that was NOTHING ! lol oh well though it is super fun :D

    And thanks to you Vinda I hope you get your iphone too there awesome!

  4. yaay for iphone I must go download. Fruit i come. :)
