Saturday, June 19, 2010

Once again I have neglected this blog.. poor thing. Well a few updates from the last week..

I was SUPER sick on Thursday night and spent my first night ever in the hospital (it had to be really bad for me to actually go to emergency, I hate hospitals) I had some kind of horrible bug. I have never thrown up so much in my life...  When I got to the hospital and saw a doctor (after about 2 hours in the waiting room) he thought i might have an internal bleed because I was so deathly pale, so scarey. They did blood tests, an ultrasound, chest xrays and a few other things I don't remember. They hooked me up to an iv and gave my fluids and gravol and I finally got to go home at around 4 30 in the morning. I really hope to never be that sick again, it was a horrible night. Luckily I have the most amazing boyfriend in the entire world who never left my side <3

On to some better and more exciting new. We got a house! We have been trying to find a new place to live FOREVER (we're living with my dad currently) and we finally found somewhere perfect. Its halfway between where I work and where Matt works so i wont have to drive half an hour anymore to get to work yay! Its an adorable little house on a quarter acre. The whole thing is brand new and has a giant patio and amazing treed yard perfect for the pup. I am so incredibly excited right now I cant wait to be there! They are still finishing a few things but we will probably be moving in by the end of july.

Other than that (and the fact that I've had horrible wisdom tooth pain for the last few weeks.. ugh.. ) theres not a whole lot going on I don't think. Hope to be enjoying some summer sun soon since its finally starting to get nice out!

I'll try and post another blog soon with some pictures :)


  1. awh! scary! so i'm assuming it wasn't an internal bleed cause they let you go home. hope you're feeling better!!!

  2. that is scary. did they find out what it was? i hope you feel better! and congrats on the house & it being closer! omg i couldn't even imagine driving from parksville to nanaimo every day o__o

  3. They never ended up finding out what was wrong but they did an ultrasound and chest x-ray and stuff to make sure i wasn't bleeding i guess. But Im pretty sure its just a really really bad bug because Matt was sick all night last night too not quite as bad as me but still really really sick.

    And yesss I'm soo excited to be closer to work. Most days I don't mind the drive I just get to listen to music and think and stuff but some days I hate hate hate driving all the way home after a long day so it will be soo much nicer
