Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm feeling completely uninspired today.. Just a little off. so i thought I would force myself to write. Being unemployed is starting to get to me.. I love being home, making fires and visiting friends, cooking and taking care of my house. I suppose I'm just starting to feel a little purposeless. I pained all day today and watched Pirates of the Caribbean 1 and 2. Now its 9 o clock and I still haven't left the house... I just hate feeling like a wasted a day ever. Anyways, I know I'll be feeling better by tomorrow, and I know I will have a job soon enough. I just need to tell myself these things on days like today. I have to pull myself out of the dark hole I sometimes let myself slip into before remembering that my life is so not bleak and horrible.

onto happier things :) We took the dog for a huge walk by the river the other day. We brought snacks and found a little crevasse in between the rocks and a clay cliff to sit in and eat and rest it was lovely all tucked in there. There was still snow on the ground here and there which was beautiful although I ended up with wet feet again.
I love watching Koda play out in the wilderness, he always looks soooo happy.

Heres a few more pictures from along the way


  1. just stumbled in and was looking through your very beautiful wilderness pics, then i saw your dogs name...Koda. well i had to comment cos we used to have a kitteh named Koda (he broke my heart and was ill so had to leave us). your dog is so handsome! regal infact, love his strong face.

    then i also saw you're a fellow Canadian and had to say hi! ♥

  2. aw thank you! sorry about your kitten that is sad :( but Koda is a wonderful name! heh. And I will give him that lovely compliment I'm sure he will love to hear it because he is in fact quite clumsy and silly haha! but we love him all the same
