Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hair Stuffs

So I decided I would start doing some posts about hair. Processes, products I like, styling tips, colors and cuts I've done. Advice from a Hairstylist. So feel free to ask any questions you might have!

So here's a color correction I did a few weeks ago. A good reminder about how bad box dyes can go. Lots of people box dye their hair and do an awesome job. On the other hand, a lot of people buy a box of hair color from the drugstore expecting to get the color shown on the box. There is SO much more to take into consideration, underlying pigment, existing color, porus ends, natural regrowth. If you have anything but natural blonde hair, you probably wont get the results you expect to get. and most of the time in the end you spend more money when you were trying to save a few bucks. So that pumpkin spice latte copper brown is now more like a baby food orange, and you come see me to get it fixed. All of the sudden what originally would have cost you around 70 dollars for me to do, now is a MUCH bigger process.. and is costing you a lot more.

So heres a little peak into a color correction

This lovely girl had boxed dyed her hair. As you will see, it didn't come out anything like she wanted it. She was about 5 different colors, she had banding and of course the hair was damaged and porus. It took about 3 hours, four color formulas and a lot of foil. But it was worth it in the end!

Before (I'd already started before I remembered I wanted to take pictures)




and really, this was actually an easy one compared to some I've done. So my best advice is, know what your getting into! Don't expect that coloring your hair yourself will be any easier or cheaper. In most cases its neither cheap or easy if it doesn't turn out. So always know what your getting into :)

thats all for now

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